Topics regarding IBM (IBM) stock

Topics regarding IBM (IBM) stock

Selling now

Best not to wait. Selling IBM now is just a smart choice.

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Post ID: @OP+1jjx3qmf3

Any signs IBM stock is worth buying?

It used to be a safe bet before. Now it’s behind in the industry. That would be ok if it was a sign of conservative business model. Avoiding hype and all that. My impression is that it’s in maintenance mode. Which means it can break down any moment... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1vZR9Lsh

I would stay away from IBM for the time being.

It’s not that I think IBM is a bad investment in general. On the contrary. I just think that at this time when AI is the dominant trend in Tech, IBM is nowhere near to the top competitors in that sector. When we add to this that the stock is trading... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1vq8tOLf

It's a good time to sell

That's what I'm thinking currently anyway. Maybe I should hold still for a while but I think it's best to sell now.

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Post ID: @OP+1sH4jqnP

Is it okay to buy now?

I don't want to be impatient but I also don't want to miss out on anything. Can I buy now or should I wait for a better price still?

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Post ID: @OP+1rvpAwXU

IBM up 16% YTD.

For how long can this stock continue to perform like this?

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Post ID: @OP+1rmGHx7z

New mainframe = revenue boost = a raise in stock price

IBM might have dipped a bit in the past ten days, but that's just temporary. I think the stock is bound to go further up, especially next year. Once they announce the new mainframe and everybody starts upgrading, the revenue will jump, and with it... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1qa5QoaP

What are the chances that IBM stays over the $145 line?

I’m more happy that IBM reached this stock price and the stock performance if finally looking good and in a steady growth line. I would love to see this performance continue and the thought of buying even more IBM shares has crossed my mind. However... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1pssUCDP

Am I too late to hop back on the IBM train?

I think I made a mistake when I sold my IBM shares in February. I'd like to change that, but buying right now might not be justified, considering the stock's current price is over $150. I wish I was smart enough to get it a couple of months ago since... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1oHCh3rZ


I bought IBM at the start of the year and I watched it go up and down, up and down ever since then. I didn't invest too much, luckily, but I can tell you that the last seven months have not been fun for a new investor. Now that the stock is finally... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1nRysgs8

Question for the people that own IBM.

How big of a portion of your portfolio does IMB take up? I own IBM shares and year after year this stock doesn't seem to stop amazing me. I would like to dump some other companies and buy more of IBM. Of course, I don't want to go too far to the... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1nMAXmy1

Why is the IBM stock so volatile?

I am talking about the constant bumps in price value. The stock is always fluctuating and yet the price always seems to arrive at the same value. We can’t find such constant movement in the stock of similar companies in the industry. What do you... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1nsNDAny

Sold it.

I think this was the best time to do it. I'm pleased with the outcome.

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Post ID: @OP+1n9h1IQM

Can IBM still be considered a “safe place to park”?

For Years we have heard about IBM as a school example of a safe stock, beginner friendly stock and whatnot. They used to say IBm is where the smart money goes. On the other hand, in the past few years, we hear more and more stories about bad... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jwANcVS

Advice on buying IBM

I want some advice. I’m relatively new to investing and I want to build up a nice dividend based portfolio that could serve me long term. On one hand IBM is pictured as a good, stable stock that is almost perfect for dividend based investing. Let’s... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1i7wS1Rc

Cloud revenue growth rate

Highest sales growth quarter in a decade is good news. I'm interested in whether someone has compared IBM's Cloud revenue growth rate to the company's competition? I am still in doubt whether it is worth investing in this stock in 2022 or not.

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Post ID: @OP+1hNXHVOl

How will IBM fare during the recession?

I think we all know that recession and a stock market crash are coming. I'm new to investing and the majority of my portfolio is IBM. I don't know if I should sell now and diversify or if I should wait. I know it's a risk either way, but I think I... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1fJKwyqv

It all depends on the new CEO

IBM spent years selling valuable assets to be able to pay a dividend. In my opinion, that was a very misguided approach. If the (relatively) new CEO focuses on creating value rather than selling it, IBM could do really well once again. It'll take... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1eDM8c1K

Can IBM stock finally provide some steady growth?

I'm in a big dilemma regarding whether to dump IBM or not. I have a dividend based portfolio and am not someone who is trying to score some short term gain, but let;s be realistic, I also don't want to own a stock that's down nearly 20% in the last 5... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1e6RlIwc

No reason for me to go with IBM

These days I’m looking into the options of adding some shares of tech companies into my portfolio. As far as I could research, many people are still suggesting IBM. This time I think I’ll pass. A lot of tech companies show much bigger potential at... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1dr9euz4

Just looking at quarterly revenue once more

I was just looking at quarterly revenue once again and it is not clear to me what is wrong with the market these days??? That stock down by 10% is a typical trader overreaction. I am on hold.

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Post ID: @OP+1dqM8wIe

Last chance to buy before Kyndryl spinoff

I know the results were disappointing and that brought the price down some, but I think that's exactly what makes it a good sn---h right now, in my opinion. I know this might seem counterintuitive at this point, but if you look at the big picture... — read more 

| 435 views | | 1 reply (October 21, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1dqwkjmf

Do not buy

I don't know many tech companies that managed to fail to capitalize on the pandemic, but IBM is one of them. If the revenue dropped by 4% at the time when others were smart enough to use the opportunity that presented itself, then I worry about... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1cmfY6iK

Seems to be on the right path

I've owned IBM for a long time, including in its heyday when it reached the $200s, so seeing it dip under $100 at times was a bitter pill to swallow. Now, I've finally started regaining confidence in the stock. The path might be slow, but I think it... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1bt6xGxA

IBM is still a good bet for me

I understand that IBM is not a stock to buy for those looking for a short-term gain but lately a lot of people I know that have long-term, dividend-based portfolios are talking about dropping IBM. I owned quite a portion of IBM and I buy a little... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1brNtPAV

Recent IBM Stock Gains

Circa 2009 was the start of the greatest bull market in history, and it was led by technology stocks. Yet our previous CEO found a way to swim against this mighty current and quarter by quarter, year after year, revenues fell, RAs were executed, and... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1bh27PB0

Is a bigger decline in IBM stock value imminent?

I was just reading today that it is expected that IBM will post a decline in earnings, even without that information, when we look deeper in the way this company has been doing business lately, the logical concussion is that the stock is... — read more 

I wouldn't bet on IBM anymore

In ten years IBM stock went from low $200s to occasionally entering $130s. Numerous bad decisions, bad management, and market conditions all contributed to its fall. I once used to think that there'll come a time when the stock would rebound but... — read more 

My take on IBM's future

no innovation ibm's moats and barriers to entry are getting weaker management is all about cost control, growth & r&d is secondary do no treat employees well (this is a big one) acquisitions are haphazard and weak so, i do not see... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1a2yR5rT

What is the plan for the dividend?

What is the plan for the dividend? I’m not sure if there will be some opportunities to increase the dividend and future. It looks like the cash flow may be improving, this leads me to believe that there should be enough cash in IBM’s treasury to... — read more 

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