Thread regarding IBM (IBM)

Is a bigger decline in IBM stock value imminent?

I was just reading today that it is expected that IBM will post a decline in earnings, even without that information, when we look deeper in the way this company has been doing business lately, the logical concussion is that the stock is overpriced.
It is certain that if the earnings turn out to be much worse compared to last year, that there will be some negative movement in stock value. What I'm wondering is, when all the negative elements of IBM’s recent business are combined, are we looking at a long-term, steady decline of its stock value?

| 422 views | | 2 replies (last March 28, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1al2MhCa

2 replies (most recent on top)

The execs are lying

Post ID: @bwugt+1al2MhCa

no. there will be inflation that will eat away the value though

Post ID: @7nif+1al2MhCa

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