
We value your privacy. To find out more about our approach to cookies, log files and other items relevant to privacy, please see the items listed below:

  1. Logs
    1. http Request Data

      Your computer mostly communicates with us through http request – for example, your browser requests a page or animage from your site. This information is often stored in log files and may include your IP address.

    2. Cookies

      We use cookies as we need them to operate the analytical side of the site (we are analyzing traffic on our site).

    3. Log-ins & Sign-ins

      We currently do not offer log-ins and sign-ins - all users visit and post anonymously. This may be changed in the future – if that happens we’ll update this section.

  2. 3rd Party Cookies and Web Beacons

    We use advertising to support operation of the site. Advertising is provided by third party companies (e.g., Google) and our advertisers may be using cookies as well (this would be in addition to the cookies we place). We do not have control over how the third party cookies are used. In addition, the third partyadvertisers may be using web beacons and can collect IP addresses as well. They also may collect technical information about visit (e.g., what kind of browser you are using, how large is you screen resolution, what kind of operating system you are running, etc.) Finally, we use Google Analytics to analyze web traffic that reaches the site. To do so, we use cookies built for Google Analytics – these cookies are separate from the aforementioned advertising cookies and our cookies.

  3. Disclosure of Logs

    We do not sell or share data with third parties, however there are some legal situations under which disclosure of log data may happen.

    1. Situations: Legal

      If we are required by low we may disclose log data. This would be done in order to comply with a legally enforceable request (e.g., subpoena, court order, warrant or other judicial/administrative order).

    2. Situations: Emergency

      There may be situations where persons or property may be under threat. We will examine these situations and, while acting in good faith, we may disclose log data.