Thread regarding IBM (IBM)

Advice on buying IBM

I want some advice. I’m relatively new to investing and I want to build up a nice dividend based portfolio that could serve me long term.
On one hand IBM is pictured as a good, stable stock that is almost perfect for dividend based investing. Let’s be realistic, the stock hasn’t spent any time under the 100 dollar mark, it doesn’t look to have a lot of fluctuations in the stock value, they have a nice long tradition of paying the dividend, and of course it’s a strong brand that has been on the market for a long time.
On the other hand, we have the opportunity to see in the media stories how IBM is trailing behind the competing companies in many aspects, how it’s business is getting worse and that it could all fall apart like a house of cards. To be honest, I’m having trouble finding an article online that speaks positively about IBM’s business.
Should I pay attention to those stories or should I just stick with what the numbers show and what has been proven as a good investment for may in the past? Thoughts

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