Thread regarding IBM (IBM)

Are there individuals who feel remorseful for selling their IBM shares and investing in one of the FAANG stocks?

I, for one, do regret this decision. Despite the pessimistic forecasts for IBM, we can observe that the stock has maintained its stability even during unfavorable market circumstances. In contrast, there is now genuine uncertainty about whether certain FAANG stocks will survive in the near future. Is it maybe the time to dump those shares and buy IBM again?

| 253 views | | 2 replies (last May 13, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1lPi0tPe

2 replies (most recent on top)

Will go up

Post ID: @Mrvc+1lPi0tPe

No, you have to play the long game. This is only temporary.

Post ID: @1yul+1lPi0tPe

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