Topics regarding Xerox (XRX) stock

Topics regarding Xerox (XRX) stock

What if I short Xerox at this price?

While I am no expert at the stock market I am completely sure that Xerox (and other companies in this industry for that matter) will fail in the next two or three years. What if I short XRX at this price of, let’s say 10.000 dollars. What would be my... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jpfzp5a5

Is there any hope for the stock to rise?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not expecting any wonders or anything but I would like the stock to rise at least a little bit so I can cut my losses and sell. I bought the stock at the beginning this year when it was trading at $18 per share. Now, I’ve lost... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1vEpisSg

Have any of you lost their patience with XRX?

This question goes to the long term shareholders, given that I doubt that anyone is buying XRX hoping to score a short term gain. With that said I figure the majority of people that have XRX in their portfolio are people that have it for a long... — read more 

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2 XRX shares for the price of one HPQ share.

I can agree with those claiming that this is an outdated industry and that we shouldn't looks for big value gains here. However I think that this is also an industry that will not die off any time soon. In investor terms, I think that XRX is a good... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1rtNutZ4

Xerox-A failed investment?

I don’t have a large budget for investing and I am more or less new to the market. Xerox caught my eye simply because it’s a big company that has been on the market for a long time and is cheap. I know that their core business is a declining... — read more 

Could this turn out well?

The company beat earnings target and the stock went up. The financial report has some positive things like debt repayment. There is also a share buyback. However, the macroeconomic picture is full of uncertainty and I wonder if this small momentum... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1mjiflHs

XRX not worth the hassle

I don't interact with XRX at all. Too unpredictable for me. I hate wild cards.

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Post ID: @OP+1m7AKB3q

I’m thinking of switching from XRX to HPQ.

I’ve owned XRS for some time now and despite my best will I find it hard to see any potential in it right now. I am seriously thinking about selling XRS and buying HPQ. HPQ is more expensive but it shows a lot more potential and, even more... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1lSQaQJi

I dumped XRX just last week

I didn’t own the stock for long and I admit I saw some potential in it at that time. However I admit I was wrong. The announcement that the recovery is going slower than expected and the drop of the price followed shined a good light on that. Of... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jDAfEem

I still think XRS is a good option to buy

I think we shouldn’t let the dark predictions scare us. Yes, their core business is in decline and they are having trouble in terms of innovation, but we should remember that their core business brings a lot of money to the table and that the decline... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1ie56ZIm

Is it a d-mb move to buy xerox now or not?

It is true that xerox is not in a good place right now. Their core business is declining and they haven’t been able to shift their business to other areas where they can make profit. However I see a few pros for buying Xerox. The stock is very... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1gfqB9BO

This is a good time to buy

Currently, the stock is around 35 percent under its pre-pandemic high. I see no reason why it wouldn't climb back now that things are slowly going back to normal, which in my opinion makes it a good buy that could provide quick profit within just a... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1by9lcWc

My interest in Xerox waned

Sad to say but this company is a sinking ship. I mean, look at the way how Xerox still clings to this 3D printing thing (among other things). It just feels misguided as it is obviously going nowhere. I was interested in it at first but the way... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1alt3lhQ

Sell or have patience?

Does anyone even buy this stock anymore? It is true that performance grew before the pandemic and that the XRX may still surprise, but I doubt it will ever reach pre-Covid levels again. The company is alarmingly losing employees and customers... — read more 

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