Thread regarding Xerox (XRX)

Sell or have patience?

Does anyone even buy this stock anymore?
It is true that performance grew before the pandemic and that the XRX may still surprise, but I doubt it will ever reach pre-Covid levels again. The company is alarmingly losing employees and customers. Still, I debate whether to sell everything now or wait a little longer?

| 681 views | | 4 replies (last April 28, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1a8TGHLq

4 replies (most recent on top)

Patience for what? Have a look at the last 5, 10, whatever period chart. Going no where, and after multiple reverse splits. Look back at recent investor conferences where leaders made promises they did not keep, and continue to hoodwink analysts.

Post ID: @sauo+1a8TGHLq

Nobody buys it anymore, that's the thing. Sell it and don't wait too long before you do it.

Post ID: @dfzm+1a8TGHLq

Agree. @uof+1a8TGHLq

Post ID: @dhgp+1a8TGHLq

I don't think you have much to lose if you wait and if you're lucky you can make nice gains. Just my 2 cents.

Post ID: @uof+1a8TGHLq

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