I mean the stock fluctuated $5 or something on Friday. Is this something temporary or a sign of further ,deeper shakes?
Why is DVN prone to losing value?
When you think about it, all of the major oil stock are gaining value, while DVN produced a 13% loss in September. Looking at a longer timeframe we can see that its down 7% YTD. Why do you think that is the case? Any explanation is good to me except... — read more
3 Top Energy Stocks to Buy in October
Devon Energy is like jumping in with both feet Devon Energy operates exclusively in the upstream segment of the energy sector. That means that it produces oil and natural gas. There are very big implications in this focus, the most notable... — read more
Can anyone suggest stocks similar to DVN in terms of stability?
DVN worked more than well for me, but I don’t want to put all of my eggs in one basket.
Is this a dividend stock to consider?
I keep coming back to DVN as a possible dividend stock to buy and hold, but the dividend has been fluctuating so much that I can't decide if it's a good idea or not. On one hand, a dividend yield of 6.3 percent is great, but on the other hand... — read more
Mark my words: Devon is one of the best opportunities on the market.
It hasn’t been on the market too long,and yet the stock managed to remain stable and follow a growing path. Looking at the company metrics, we can see that the business is in a good place right now. I think that Devon is one of the biggest... — read more
Devon is a great stock to buy right now
Devon Energy also pays a fixed-plus-variable dividend, with the variable rate at 50% of its post-base-dividend free cash flow. Its payout will consequently rise with oil prices. Meanwhile, it could use a portion of the free cash it doesn't pay in... — read more
Is DVN really undervalued?
That is something I hear a lot lately. Is there anyone who shares that opinion? If so, what are the main parameters and information on which you base this claim?
I think I’ll stay away from DVN
I get that the dividend is the primary reason why people decide to buy DVN. I also own a mostly dividend based portfolio but I also don't want the stocks that I own to have a high potential of losing value in a short amount of time. In my opinion... — read more
Good, reliable stock
This is one of those good stocks that provide on all fronts: growth and dividend. A lot of it is thanks to its current leadership and I really hope they continue making the right moves as they have so far. I honestly can't see a downside to DVN at... — read more
Keep collecting...
I don’t have a lot of shares but I think it’s time to add some more. I believe the stock has a strong prospect to grow and I expect significant growth in May. I fully share the enthusiasm for this stock with those who think the travel industry will... — read more