Topics regarding Apache Corp (APA) stock

Topics regarding Apache Corp (APA) stock

Undervalued or losing value for some valid reason?

As someone who owns APA shara I can say that I'm more than worried. However when I look up something about this stock online I see that the majority of the investing community sees APA as undervalued and as an opportunity. Is that really the case or... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1upI4cLY

Why is Apache so damn volatile?

One would think that with these market conditions in the O&G sector a decent comapny would at least be stable on the stock market.

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Post ID: @OP+1qfFV7tD

Can we say APA is on a rising path?

Even though there are a lot of ups and downs in the performance of APA stock, and even though the stock is down nearly 10% since last year, we can see that the stock is generally moving upwards, since it hit rock bottom in 2020. Can we say that APA... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1mbVBYAi

How come this stock is so stagnant?

Would anyone care to provide an answer for me? The last earnings were good and the company managed to beat the estimates. When we look closely at the financial parameters the company is doing well, as is the oil price in general at this point. What... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jYU4kGy

Can APA go over $50?

How realistic is that prospect given that the stock is on a nice rising trajectory throughout the year? If there is some change that the stock could reach $50 i think i would invest some money? Is that something that could happen or am I late to the... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1iInxH2o

Is this the moment we've been waiting for?

I can't help but get hopeful that APA is finally headed in the right direction. After watching it go down for years and sticking by it, it's a great feeling to see it on the rise consistently for over a year. It's still nowhere near where it's... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1dnhzI2B

Long Term Debt to Capital

APA has 115% Long Term Debt to Capital, Oxy is 65%, DVN is 44%, FANG is 40%, EOG is 19%. APA management has huge ba**s trying to pass us off as premier. When JC took the reins the company had a book value of over $25B. No reputable upstream E&P even... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1cI29AD3

Not sure about stock price

But, I used to work there, and the management is as good or bad as in any other company in the industry. So, you may be better off investing in an index fund that tracks the entire industry, that'd do away with risk that investing into a single... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1cIznZlg

Tired of running around in circles

I really have significant doubts that APA stock can ever break out over 20. I bought some shares about a year ago and from then all the stock has done has been going around in circles. I’m tired of waiting and have decided to take my investments... — read more 

Hoping for $20?

I have high hopes that the APA stock will skyrocket. I also understand why some disagree and advocate to sell, but I don’t share their opinion. APA is selling at a discount. I intend to buy more and I hope that the company's management will come out... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1amZWRnx

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