Thread regarding Apache Corp (APA)

Tired of running around in circles

I really have significant doubts that APA stock can ever break out over 20. I bought some shares about a year ago and from then all the stock has done has been going around in circles. I’m tired of waiting and have decided to take my investments elsewhere even though I will take some losses when selling.
I imagine a lot of people think of APA as a good opportunity right now but I don't’ think they will see any breakthrough in the value any time soon. Chances are they will run out of patience like I did.

| 385 views | | 1 reply (August 3, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1aqJUcJq

1 reply

It held over $20 through mid-July - it'll go over 20 again.

Post ID: @1Jrqf+1aqJUcJq

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