Topics regarding Shopify (SHOP) stock

Topics regarding Shopify (SHOP) stock

Hold on to a stock, and buy some more

It’s now only second to Amazon in e-commerce, with a business model positioning Shopify well ahead of the competition in expanding the market share. It is generally considered a champion with a unique set of advantages. It is expected to grow despite... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jhb7xc7s

Time to buy Shopify

Shares are still cheap. The future looks promising. Consistent growth is the proof that they know what they are doing. With old school retailers going down, the likes of Shopify which made early entry will only grow more.

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Post ID: @OP+1vEWc2x3

Cheap enough to grab a few shares

There is some potential here, so we'll see if it comes to fruition or not in the future. In any case, I'm not going to buy all that much so it's not going to break me if things don't go the way I hope they will, so that's good. Now if you plan to... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1pW7BPXo

Is this stock worth buying now?

Cash flow has started to recover, and I also think that the purchase of Deliverr last year was an excellent move. I'm thinking whether to buy it.

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Post ID: @OP+1ntiAHYU

I gave up on SHOP

There are better and bigger fish in the sea than this one to put my money into.

Layoffs are good for business

I know layoffs are not good for employees, but sometimes a company needs to make tough decisions so that it can survive. What Shopify is doing right now is the only right move that is left and as sad as it is for some people, it will help the company... — read more 

Is this good advice?

If you can look beyond Shopify's near-term challenges and the market's pessimism, Shopify looks like the kind of growth stock that's just waiting to take off, what with its growing merchant base, gross merchandise volume, and top... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1j0ACwIO

I'm seeing positive changes

Several recent changes in leadership (including the appointment of Jeff Hoffmeister, formerly of Morgan Stanley as the new chief financial officer) are giving me hope for this stock. It's already up 10 percent in just a week and things will probably... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1iFC7pJf

Is it time to sell?

Am I too late already? I bought it in 2020 at around $50, I enjoyed watching the stock grow consistently but now it's nothing but a constant drop. If I sell now I've already lost money, but I'm worried that if I wait any longer I'll lose even more... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1hVNZtI7

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