Topics regarding Occidental Petroleum Corporation (OXY) stock

Topics regarding Occidental Petroleum Corporation (OXY) stock

I’m getting rid of the stock. You should too.

OXY is facing significant challenges. No amount of cost-cutting can offset the range of issues it’s grappling with, including fluctuating oil prices, surging input costs, and ongoing geopolitical turmoil. I’m not willing to wait for really bad news... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jm8eazgb

OXY is down 15% YTD?

What are the main reasons for that despite the fact the most of the big players in the O&G sector are rising?

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Post ID: @OP+1vLhq2IZ

Why the negative trend?

The stock is down 4% YTD. I know that is far from alarming, but could this be a beginning of a longer negative trend and definite proof that the good performance lately was just a temporary bump?

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Post ID: @OP+1tQ5g3Mp

Is it too late to buy?

Or am I late to the party with Oxy? I’m impressed with the overall stock performance lately, but when the stock gets praised in the media that generally means that It's too late. I’m considering it as a long-term investment but don’t want to lose... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1s2IyARI

I don't understand the draw of OXY

I guess it's a decent stock, but there are many more much better ones in the same industry. Yet this one seems to be everybody's favorite, including Warren Buffett's. I don't think I know more than he does, of course, but that's why I'm confused... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1re35ftQ

Disappointing dividend stock

$0.18 per share is nothing special unless you have a huge amount of shares. Since I'm not Warren Buffett, I definitely won't be seeing a major windfall in October. I'm looking to sell and buy a stock that provides a better dividend for us smaller... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1ohidWQM

I wouldn’t jump to buy OXY.

Yes, OXY performed good lately and is perhaps the biggest wiener in the O&G sector lately.I I imagine that those that took a run at it during covid are very satisfied right now. Puting all of that aside there is one thing that bugs me in this whole... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1lX79Epc

Buffett investing more money in OXY

Berkshire Hathaway bought shares for the third time this month and I regret not buying more. It would not surprise if at some point demand for the shares will exceed supply. What do you think about that?

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Post ID: @OP+1lRmqbcU

Disappointing when you do the comparison

I made a small comparison of this stock taking into account the period from a few years ago to today. I also did the same for some competitors. The result is pretty disappointing.

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OXY will continue do well

OXY had a stellar 2022 and I believe it will continue to do great this year and generally in the future. It's not an ideal dividend stock but that's not why I'm holding it anyhow. I bought it during the dip and I'm yet to regret that move. I think... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1kzJzHIJ

Oxy may have reached its peak.

I was honestly hoping to get some different views on the stock’s performance. Last couple of months everyone is talking about OXY, as an example of good business, especially in the light of the fact that OXY paid off a good portion of its debt and in... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jIF9sHX

Can the good trend continue?

Oxy was the absolute winner for me. I had the ba--s to buy in September 2021 when it was priced a little over $25 and I don’t have to explain what a good bet it was. Truth be told, the current price is well over the price at which I thought I would... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1isJTJGZ

Better alternatives to OXY?

I feel as if I lost my time with OXY. Even though I bought it when It was cheaper and managed to get in a position where I gathered some profit. However I don't see any indications that it can go a long way. I was hoping for some tips about what... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1gfMOMA4

I like what I'm seeing

I was smart to grab OXY when it was around $13 and let me tell you, that's one of the best decisions I've made in a long while. The last few months have been amazing and considering the whole Russia fiasco, the stock will continue to climb for a long... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1fJ3TAyT

OXY still is still a great buy.

I bought OXY when it was hanging around 13 bucks in early may and I am already in a really profitable situation. However I bought some more stock just last week. I’m not the one to gamble or go into lightly into an investment buy all looks like OXY... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1dOmvihQ

What's with OXY lately!?!?!?

I'm not liking what I'm seeing one bit. I'm new to investing and I thought this was a safe bet. It looks like I was wrong. I don't want to panic ahead of time but this was the one stock I thought I wouldn't have to worry about and now all I do is... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1dmoY9Hn

I got lucky

A friend convinced me to buy at $10 and I'm glad I listened to her. Since then, my money has nearly tripled. I don't think this constitutes a good buy at its current price but I'm certainly not going to sell any time soon. I haven't been investing in... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1bp8Zjkv

Oil price chart is important but...

Everyone is hoping for higher oil price growth, as if it is the only thing crucial for OXY stock growth. Several times I made a horrible mistake focusing mostly on oil price charts. It is certainly important, but other factors should not be ignored... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1amvzC7c

I'm still holding but I'm not happy about it

I bought a round in January last year, right before the pandemic hit. Let me tell you, that hurt. I invested around $12k and exiting right now would half that. So I'm going to hold for a while longer, since I really don't have that much to lose. But... — read more 

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