Topics regarding Mattel (MAT) stock

Topics regarding Mattel (MAT) stock

Any potential in Mattel?

Given its price I am able to buy a large quantity of shares. With that said one has to wonder if this is a stock that is only running in circles or is there some real potential further down the timeline. State your opinions and arguments please.

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Post ID: @OP+1jk3zrg20

MAT is doing well

For the last three months, the company has been doing well and outperforming the rest of the industry. I'm not saying that things couldn't improve on many fronts, but things could also be much worse, something many have been worried about happening... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1vkKpTBG

What are the main benefits of buying a MAT?

I mean aside from the fact that it’s cheap. I’m looking for a solid stock under 20 dollars per share, given the limitations in my budget. It looks like a good company with its history and all. If this is not true, please educate me why this isn’t... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1uRKF7iy

The stock traded higher before the Barbie movie came out?

I bet the ones that bought the stock in hopes that the movie can have a good impact on the stock are scratching their heads right now. If anything the movie showed that this stock is going nowhere and that It will not be a good investment for a long... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1qURnYi9

It's hard not to be bullish

Barbie passed the $1 billion ticket revenue. Just wow! The movie was an undoubted success. It's hard not to be bullish, but I'm still wondering why some claim that the movie ticket sales will not directly equate to a large increase in Mattel... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1o3hlvAY

Could the Barbie movie turn things around for MAT?

Could it? From what I've seen people are hyped for it and some of the scenes have become internet memes. It could do well and turn things around for MAT. Maybe there is hope for the company.

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Post ID: @OP+1n7hnme8

Feeling stressed for having Mattel in my portfolio

I’ve had Mattel in my portfolio for a long time and I can’t say it didn’t work out for me. However I think I’m going to sell it and try to replace it with a company of similar characteristics and performance. The reason why I want to sell Mattel is... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1eJ9pssM

Very pleased with this stock and what they're doing

The folks in Mattel are geniuses for their work on the Mattel Creations line. That's an excellent way to keep both the older and newer customers interested in their products in the long term. I wish other companies could take notice and try being... — read more 

Mattel is definitely a long-term hold

As silly as this may sound, Mattel toys were a big part of my childhood and so as an adult seeing the company having such a rough time a while ago was really disheartening. I'm really relieved that Mattel is no longer in that period of stagnance... — read more 

Not sure about this one

Mattel is one of the companies that benefited tremendously from the pandemic. Before the lockdowns, the company was in freefall. Innovation was basically nonexistent and all it was putting out were regurgitations of its old hits. Then the pandemic... — read more 

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