It seems like the market is reacting to LMT not winning the bid to build new fighter jets. Are there any other contracts coming up? Should we be concerned? Analysts suggest that LMT’s dividend yield of 2.8% is supported by the expected earnings per... — read more
A safe bet
For the last 12 years, LMT has been going straight up (with a few hiccups along the way but nothing permanent). I don't see a reason why that would change any time soon. It's too expensive for most people at this point, but if you're holding, I... — read more
Great day for LMT!
I love it. I love the nearly 9 percent bump in stock price, I love to hear about better-than-expected quarterly revenue, and most importantly, I love hearing that LMT's High Mobility Artillery Rocket System launchers are kicking Russians' behinds and... — read more
Bad news for Lockheed Martin
I personally believe this is just temporary, but if you're considering buying, make sure you do your research properly. Lockheed Martin indicated lower after wide Q1 sales... — read more