I suppose most if not all of you that are buying HPE, or have already bought it are in the market for cheep tech stocks. Has anyone come to the conclusions that certain tech stocks are a better buy than HPE? If so , please share.
What are the main reasons the value of the stock sits so low?
(Today at $19 per share).
What are the chances tha HPE goes up?
I think it’s worth a shot at this price. In relation to that I would like to see some thoughts and reasoning on the future stock movement. Can it go up in the near future?
When will HPE stop running in circles?
Relatively good financial results in the near past and in the pretend and yet the stock never manages to reach a price higher than 15 dollars. What is the deal here? When could HPE stop running in circles?
HPE is a useless stock in my portfolio
I guess I shouldn't be too sad given that I didn’t lose money on HPE ( I’m in a slightly profitable position at the moment) but the stock didn’t t5urn out to be what I’ve expected, that’s for sure. Nearly a year and a half have passed and the stock... — read more
Not losing is a priority for me
It didn’t surprise me when I saw the news that EVP sold more than 250,000 shares. I don't really see many arguments why HPE could grow significantly in the coming period. Am I missing something? I had some money and I decided to put it here... — read more