Topics regarding Dril-Quip, Inc. (DRQ) stock

Topics regarding Dril-Quip, Inc. (DRQ) stock

What happens to the DRQ stock now?

Did the DRQ shareholders receive any number of Innovex stock, and if so how much per share? Please forgive my ignorance.

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Post ID: @OP+1vZsem3y

Why did the stock reach such low values?

The fall of the stock is totally in contrast with the promising financial and business performance of the company. So, why is it stuck in such low numbers? Is there some peace of the puzzle that I’m not seeing? If so, please enlighten me.

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Post ID: @OP+1sn9J4iH

DRQ belongs in the 50+ range.

I bought the stock because it was cheap, but it appears that it shows good growth potential. It circles around the 30 dollar mark. I think the real value of the stock is somewhere around 50 dollars, and that DRQ will start gradually rising as the... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1m0kwAis

DRQ beats Q3 estimates. Can the stock gain value?

We are seeing a small spike in value compared to where DRQ was sitting in the last few weeks. Can this be a good enough reason for the stock to continue rising? Can DRQ go over 30 bucks after a long time?

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Post ID: @OP+1jKHonQw

How long could the free fall continue?

It’s been a downhill ride since the Q2 earnings report. The company managed to cut its loses to a large degree but obviously the stock didn’t react to that. I own Dril Quip shares, and I knew from the start this was a risky stock, but with the last... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1iyk82Bt

I can’t take the stress anymore.

I have made a tough decision to sell DRQ. When I bought it a year ago I never thought it could go this south. Not that I didn’t have time to react and cut my losses, but I didn’t. It may sound odd but I don’t even care about the money anymore. I... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1dZCyRlH

I'm holding

I don't have much invested in Dril-Quip but what I have I plan to hold. Selling right now would leave me with a loss and I firmly believe that the only place left to go for the stock is up. I think this might be the one that surprises everybody. And... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1apM2sYc

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