Topics regarding CVSHealth (CVS) stock

Topics regarding CVSHealth (CVS) stock

Is this really the year in which CVS will rebound? This article points out all the reasons why CVS stock was in a bad place for the last couple of years, but also points out various reasons why CVS could... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jhdzqt24

I'm considering selling

I've been waiting for CVS to improve for nearly two years now but things have been consistently deteriorating. Judging by the latest results, I think I'm done waiting. I've noticed that some funds have started reducing their holdings in CVS, and... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1ukQoiTp

I see CVS as an opportunity.

Nobody made any real profit on the stock market by going for stable stocks that just keep running round in circles. Even though the biggest remark around investors regarding CVS are the constant fluctuations I see this as a perfect time to invest... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1qAInkpH

Any potential in CVS at this point?

Today it sits at $102. Is it a safe bet at this price or is there more to lose than to be gained? Can anyone suggest any better alternatives in the healthcare industry?

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Post ID: @OP+1k2VhASA

Am I too late to the party?

I'm big enough of a man to admit I was wrong. I skipped on CVS in January last year and that's one of the biggest mistakes I've made in the past 12 months. I had 30k to invest at the time and what I ended up doing with it wasn't ideal. This would... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1eMQUEcN

Too expensive and too volatile stock

Obviously this looks like a tempting stock to buy. However, this time I’ll pass. Even though I think there is still some potential for the stock to rise and some may profit from buying it even at this point, if we look at the way this stock has... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1ei9jkAm

Good news from CVS

I've been a shareholder for over a decade and I've enjoyed watching as the stock keeps getting closer to its all-time high in the last several months, so the dividend increase is the cherry on the top for me. Add to that the share buyback and good... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1ef3nIEb

For those who keep worrying about CVS

II'm just going to leave this here: • CVS Health (NYSE:CVS) perks up 3% premarket after first quarter results for three months ended March 31, 2021 surpasses estimates. • Q1 Total Revenues increased 3.5% Y/Y to $69.1B. Analyst expectations were... — read more 

Has it reached its potential?

I'm curious if CVS is worth investing in at this point in the game. The stock has been doing great in the last six months or so but for further improvements the company needs further growth, which I don't see happening. I could be wrong, though, and... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1av6N4aV

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