Topics regarding Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO) stock

Topics regarding Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO) stock

Cisco stock dipped, then surged

It dipped after announcing job cuts, but surged after a strong earnings report. I would say both are temporary, as Cisco’s structural problems remain. Previous reorganizations and layoffs didn’t put Cisco on a growth trajectory, nor did they remove... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1u2MbQnP

Cisco stock dipped after job cuts announcement

It seems that the announcement of massive layoffs doesn’t have the desired effect on stock value as it had in the past. These days announcing layoffs is usually followed by stock going down. Could it be a sign that investors are more cautious about... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1tXLYkzi

Is it time to “call it a day”?

I bought CSCO last September in hopes that it would rice and produce me some profit. It had a good momentum at the moment. Now, nearly a year has passed and I'm in a losing position. Is it time to sell CSCO or is there still some prospect for a... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1tzJ8X9D

Is CISCO in the top 5 dividend stocks?

Honest opinions please? For me it is. It’s a typical example of a stock that’s going nowhere but provides a good dividend and is not going to fail. If CISCO is not in your top 5 choices, please provide your list.

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Post ID: @OP+1rt9iwSW

Why are analysts confident that Cisco will rise?

Maybe a stupid question but can someone please answer me or at least explain to me the logic behind this. I read on a few sites that cover the stock market that most analyst agree that the “intistric value of the stock” is, by their opinion, $76... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1pyjdahE

Was it worth the wait?

I am generally pointing this question towards the investors that have held CSCo for a longer period of time? Is it with holding on to? My general theory is that, even though that CSCo looks like a boring stock that is going around in circles... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1n6vvC1N

Will Cisco stay stable in these hard times?

As a shareholder and as someone who has been buying CSCO for a while now, the stock looks stable enough to me. However in these weird times when the market downloads and with everything that has been happening in the tech sector, one has to wonder... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1lRnAaIG

Excellent financial results

Q4 revenue: $13.1 billion Earnings per Share: GAAP: $0.68; Non-GAAP: $0.83 Total Annualized Recurring Revenue at $22.9 billion Fiscal year revenue: $51.6 billion These are excellent results. Is this the best time to invest? I think... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1igFRoRi

Why is Cisco stock valued so law?

Cisco has been sitting in the 40 dollar range for a long time. How is it possible that the stock of a company that dominates the market in a large degree is valued so low? Forgive my ignorance, it is possible that other people are seeing something I... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1iaMHc0f

CSCO still has great potential to generate value

I know many are losing fate in investing into stock from this industry but I thing CSCO still has great potential to generate some good profits for investors. CSCO can never sink to low, and with the volume of business it is doing at this moment... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1g92wHD2

Any room to make some short term profits on Cisco?

To be honest I’m not any sort of long term strategic investor.I’m rather trying to make some short term profit out of growth of certain stock. Cisco caught my eye lately. I know people tend to think of Cisco as more of a dividend based and not a... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1duqSohs

Keeps improving

I was undecided on CSCO but lately, I've started to lean towards buy. Analyst estimates for both profit and revenue have been on the rise consistently, which is a really good sign. The stock has also been trending up for months and it seems it's... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1bKE6xaa

Thanks but no thanks

I don't see it for this stock. Am I crazy...? I can't see any growth in the near future that could prove to be useful to my portfolio. My colleagues say that that is nonsense but I like following my instinct. I know that no major profit will... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1bH3dquV

Is this a good dividend stock?

I'm looking for some good, reliable dividend stock and this seems like a solid option but I still can't decide. The stock has been climbing steadily so I have no fears about holding, but that's really not my priority right now. Any insight you could... — read more 

CSCO looks stable to me...

CSCO shares look like a good addition to the portfolio right now, not so much in terms that it could grow in a more rapid manner and provide short-term profit to investors, but more in terms that it won’t cause anyone any headaches. Cisco is... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1br95uXQ

Made a mistake

A friend tried to convince me to buy CSCO in November and I resisted because I got burned once before not so long ago. Well, now I can see that I got burned twice. Had I invested when he told me to I'd have made up for what I'd lost in 2019. Now it's... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1brHURkU

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