Topics regarding ACI Worldwide (ACIW) stock

Topics regarding ACI Worldwide (ACIW) stock

What’s with the sudden growth?

The stock jumped from 50 dollars to 57 dollars in just a couple of days. It’s a huge jump , no doubt. Is there any solid reason behind this and can the growth continue?

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Post ID: @OP+1jndjd6cb

Not a good stock if you ask me.

I don’t want to go into the details too much, but the dividend is too small for considering it a long time option, we also don’t see any sins that it could grow and there is always a shadow of risk hanging over it with all the controversies that... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1rfhUmht

Is ACIW really undervalued?

Looking at the stock’s performance this year I think we can all agree that there is little room for optimism. Putting that fact aside, I often come across analysis that claim that this stock is undervalued, especially by the annalists that use cash... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jmWIXPp

Things are becoming clearer

Third-quarter results were the catalyst, in my humble opinion. Now, ACIW is finally on the way up and will continue to grow as it deserves - considering that it already has guaranteed good fourth-quarter numbers thanks to contract extensions that... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1dN2itVJ

No idea what to do

The company is making some changes including with its strategy. Now, it's not a bad decision in itself, but what happens if the new Three Pillar strategy doesn't work? If I sell now I'll get about 30% more than I invested. Not a bad deal, but nothing... — read more 

Don't overlook it

This stock is relatively cheap and not a bad stock to have in your portfolio at all. It really irks me that some people tend to overlook ACI. That is their loss. I would go as far as to argue that this stock is easily a long-term buy, even. I am not... — read more 

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