Thread regarding AT&T (T)

How much of your portfolio does T take up?

I ask this question in light of the rescind debates about whether it is time to dump T stock and take our money elsewhere. I have a dividend based portfolio and I do own some T shares, but I was never worried about the drop in the stock value that has been happening in the last few months. I never bought T for its value, nor did I buy it for its potential to rise. I bought it for the dividend. Stocks gain and lose value, and if I was worried about every drop of stocks in my portfolio I would have gone crazy by now..
With this said, I figure that most of the people that demonstrated fear own a lot of t shares, or to put it another way, the people that put all (or most) of their eggs in one basket.
I think it would be interesting if people shared how much of their portfolio does T take up.

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