Thread regarding Allstate (ALL)

I don’t care what they say, I’m sticking with Allstate

Is it just me or are we being bombarded in the media with stories and claims that owning Allstate stock is risky at this moment, that the company is in a bad place right now, and that the stock has a big potential to take a huge dive sooner rather than later.
I however think that there has been too much fuss about this and that Allstate is not as nearly in a bad place as some claim. For me, this is just narrow-minded thinking Yes, the company had some layoffs. Yes, the financial results are not what they could be at this moment. On the other hand, It has been seen that big insurance companies have certain classes of successful business periods followed by less successful ones. However, they always manage to stay afloat. For me, owning this stock has turned out to be a good investment and I am keen on sticking with Allstate no matter what the media and the so-called analysts say.

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