Thread regarding AT&T (T)

The dividend is safe, but for how long?

I think few can argue that these are some strange and uncertain times on the stock market and in the economy in general. We were always told that T was a safe bet for long term investors, but when we take a closer look at what’s been going on at AT&T, we have to wonder if this logic still holds ground.
More than a few decisions of the company leadership were confusing, to say the least, and altogether It looks like there is a big deficit of vision present in the company. I admit, the price of the stock now is cheap and it looks like a good time to buy, but there are more risk factors involved than ever before. The company still has a pretty high debt load, there core business is bringing less and less revenue, they have been pretty unsuccessful in the streaming business. I don’t even want to get started on the fail experiment with WM.
Even though everything looks stable for now, one has to wonder will this all fall down like a house of cards and for how long will the dividend be safe.

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