Thread regarding Pfizer (PFE)

Should I buy Pfizer?

I don't have much money to spend and I'm just getting into investing. The usual suspects are way out of my league, so I'm trying to find something I can spend 2k on that's relatively safe and will provide me with at least modest gains. Pfizer seems like a good choice, with the vaccine and now a pill on the way. Plus, many sites have it down as one of the safest bets for 2022. Should I get it? I don't know why I'm this hesitant. I guess I want to make sure my first investment is a good one.

| 305 views | | 1 reply (November 23, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1dUScvb6

1 reply

Go for it.

Post ID: @3hqi+1dUScvb6

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