Thread regarding Dell (DELL)

Can Dell reach 120 by the end of summer?

I bought some shares of Dell in November 2020, when it was sitting around 60 $, so now I'm in a very profitable position. With that said I am almost 100% sure it is time to sell. I’ve done some research online and what I could find is that everybody is pretty confident that the value of Dell stock could rise even more and that it’s still on a good rising path. Some even say it could reach 120 by summer. Is that a realistic prospect and is it a wise decision to hold a little more at this point?

| 291 views | | 1 reply (April 20, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1aqDuaYC

1 reply

I think you should hold the shares you have

Post ID: @2soy+1aqDuaYC

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