Thread regarding FMC Technologies (FTI)

FTI- a good opportunity after all?

Literally, everybody that I talk to that knows at least a little about treading stock has been telling me to stay away from FTI stock. When I search online for opinions the story is pretty much the same.
I know the company has been underperforming but there is a possibility that this trend could stop. They spun off parts of the company and It looks to me like they are really trying to get their act together. Given the current price of the shares, it smells to me like a good opportunity no matter what everyone says.

| 312 views | | 1 reply (May 6, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1aFei6VU

1 reply

It is a good opportunity, no doubt about it!

Post ID: @3ahl+1aFei6VU

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