Thread regarding The Walt Disney Company (DIS)

To buy high price DIS stock or several cheaper stocks?

Despite a very bad financial year the stock price is impressive. I have no doubt about Disney's recovery from the pandemic. That is very certain. Direct-to-consumer revenue was already up in the first quarter and it is clear that streaming is hot and that Disney has a lot of potential.
Still, I wonder if it’s wise to buy DIS now that it’s high? Maybe a better strategy would be to buy several other stocks that are less expensive?

| 461 views | | 3 replies (last May 18, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1aCA62W0

3 replies (most recent on top)

Never buy when it's that high.

Post ID: @igfr+1aCA62W0

True @baq+1aCA62W0

Post ID: @6jri+1aCA62W0

Depends on which cheaper stocks!

Post ID: @baq+1aCA62W0

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