Thread regarding NetApp (NTAP)

When is debt dangerous?

The company carries a lot of debt, but I notice that shareholders are not much worried about it. I would love to add NTAP to my portfolio but I’m not quite sure about this issue. For now, the company seems to be paying it off easily, but I wonder if it could easily happen that I lose the money I am planning to put in because of this debt?

| 416 views | | 2 replies (last May 18, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1aAKhgq7

2 replies (most recent on top)

@8cpg C'mon now, that's not the best advice. OP has cause to be worried.

Post ID: @kdfr+1aAKhgq7

If they aren't worried you shouldn't be either.

Post ID: @8cpg+1aAKhgq7

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